Resonant Frequency Therapies for Illness & Disease
Good health results from a complex combination of good nutrition, fitness, and the luck of good genes. For many suffering with chronic illnesses and disease, medical professionals can only treat symptoms. Those treatments may offer only partial or temporary relief, and they may create additional negative side effects.
Resonant frequency therapy takes a different approach. While we encourage clients to take generally recommended steps to improve nutrition and fitness, the Harmonic Egg® / Ellipse® treats the whole body rather than symptoms. The relaxation that the therapy provides may also contribute to better health, when stress and anxiety are a contributing factor.
We have even had clients with undiagnosed “mystery illnesses” experience healing with the Harmonic Egg / Ellipse sound and light therapy. The body has a great capacity to heal itself. The Harmonic Egg® / Ellipse® helps to focus that healing energy in ways that can lead to better health and a better life.